So I must be doing OK.
Last night I spent some time with my art supplies again. It was nice to get lost in that process... I was also making a birthday present for my friend Kate, and while I surfed the net for some quotes, I also came upon a few others that inspired me to create something with them. Below is one that made me laugh. Seemed timely for me...(please ignore the less than professional cropping of the canvas.) The quote is by Brian Andreas - the author of "Story People". FABULOUSLY inspiring books, by the way!!

In a bit a coworker is picking me up and we are going mountain biking. I keep trying to tell her how hopelessly out of shape I am and that Florida was FLAT, but I don't think she understands... or cares. I just hope she intends to drive to the top and pick me up at the bottom.
Next week on Friday I am taking off for 3.5 days to go exploring in the capitol, Wellington. It was originally where Bruce and I were planning on landing before I got my job offer in Rotorua so I have been really curious to see what it is like there. It should take me about 6 hours (considering that I drive like a tourist) to get down there. I haven't made too many plans for what I'll see yet, but I have next week to do so. I saw that they offer horseback riding on the beach, so I might try to book that if there's space... I've always wanted to do that, but when I had a horse I didn't have a beaches and when I had the beaches, I had no horse... Now just might be my chance!
Love the quote! I hope you enjoy your tour down the country (assuming you lived through the mountain biking trip). If you come through Waikanae (just north of Paraparaumu) and would like to stop by let us know. Horseback riding is big here.
You might want to look at Te Papa - the national museum - or the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary - or take a ferry across the harbour to Days Bay/Eastbourne - take a ride on the cable car and visit the Botanic Gardens at the top - drive around the coastline, there are lots of nice beaches. (You could bike around the coastline and it would be flat :) - but the rest of Wellington definitely isn't). I grew up in Wellington and it still tugs at my heartstrings whenever I visit.
I suspect there would be more opportunities for Bruce in Wellington, but the housing is probably more expensive than Rotorua
It's hard to ride on the beach without horses or beaches, so maybe you are ready for it I do think that shaving your legs is a sign you are not completely depressed - I know it is for me. But there have been a few times in my past where you could braid my leg hair!
I bought Mr. Bobelia a print from the Story People for our anniversary. I love his stuff.
So glad you're still shaving your legs and enjoy your adventure to W. There are some things I do when I'm alone to make sure I'm still OK: Make my bed every morning, and take a shower. Speaking of mountains, I know what you mean. I've been hiking a lot to build up my stamina and strength.
I really enjoyed Wellington (been there twice).
I recommend a tour of Parliament and going to the National Archives to see the actual Treaty of Waitangi (or what's left of it), and nearby Old St Patrick's, a wooden cathedral. I also recommend the Museum of City and Sea, which I personally liked much more than Te Papa (actually, I also thought Auckland Museum was better than Te Papa). All these are free. The cable car is good, too, as is the mini-museum about them at the top.
However, I reckon you have to be a mountain goat to visit the Botanic Gardens; I went there and my legs ached for days. Okay, hours, maybe.
Wellington has a lot of charm, but I still prefer Auckland, in part because we have no family anywhere near Wellington.
But one weird thing about Wellington: Everyone walks on the left side of the footpath--almost without exception. In Auckland, people walk all over the thing. Maybe it's all the foreign-born people in Auckland?
I am so stoked for you hon! I am off to Barcelona myself as well this weekend and I need the break so bad!
Have fun exploring around Wellington. I hear it's okay, tonnes of my frends are from there.
Ooops! I meant Old St Paul's cathedral (I get my saints mixed up all the time...). Not to be confused with the new Wellington Cathedral of St Paul near Parliament, which is modern and pretty ugly on the outside.
I've surprised myself that I haven't been to your blog very often. I guess I get the info directly from you so I don't go. Well, that and I am on the computer WAAYYY too much for work as of late and don't want to be online a second more than I need to be. I remember how much fun this was, poking around the parts of your brain you would share, getting a deeper perspective from what you would tell me in our conversations. Could be too that I've been way too down to be posting. Whatever the reason, I'm giving myself permission to blog when I need to and lapse when I need to. And to be down when I need to be. Feeling like a backyard night of fire and wine. Wrap up in fleece and come in smelling like a campfire. Just wish you were here to join me.
Wow!! I had alot to catch up on!!! I have been on sabbatical myself...I have you on my prayer list and hope that more oranges fall out of the sky!!! I am also praying that your husband will be able to join you. Being a retired Army wife..I understand is not easy...keep your eye on the prize and continue to move forward...our goal/prize was retirement after 22 years of military I can't wait for those days he goes fishing ;)...Blessings to you.
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