I find it interesting that roughly a year ago, when I was first introduced to doing touchdrawings, the two below were a couple of my first pieces. I was immediately drawn to them more so than any of the other pieces, without knowing why exactly. They were the first ones I ever mounted onto canvas. Touchdrawings are very much about working with the uncoscious (they are also known as soul prints - I love that name!), and according to my friend Tamara who has worked with them more than I have, they are about 6 months ahead of our consciuos process... Is it coincidence that I kept creating what looks like Korus over and over...? Hmmm... I don't know. But I do like them.

Incidentally, Koru also means "jewel" or "jewelry" in finnish.
My daughter kept drawing korus when she was 3-4 yo. In the Hungarian traditional culture, they also represent the growing of life, an outward spiral that symbolizes growth, outward moovement, creation and at the same time there's the inward spiral that refers to gathering, harvest, decay and salvation. Great pictures. I wish I could do some soul prints right now. I wonder how would they look like now, when I am feeling blue...
And perhaps that coincidence between the languages is not a coincidence after all.
yes me too.. i'd quite like to do some of that right now!
i always loved that symbol..
my grandmother always had ferns in her bathroon and i'd love the delicate furriness as they unfurled.
i love still the centre of shells and am always more excited by the broken spirals than the perfect shell.
and lovely names and meanings. :)
Tia, I'm not surprised that your drawings anticipated the korus. Everything about your new life in NZ seems meant to be. Tell me about your new digs and have you got that car yet?
its interesting because the spiral is a very life affirming symbol in almost every culture dating back to goddess images from all the "ithic" eras. its also the shape and essence of the chambered nautilus, one of the oldest organisms in the world if not the oldest. interesting huh? its everywhere in nature and sacred in some way to most ancient cultures...and it inspires such a feeling really...of connectivity. beautiful tia. thanks for sharing this!
I just realized how far behind I got on your new adventure - that's what happens when you go fishin' I quess. Glad to hear you are on the upswing...you always seem to latch onto the positive!! Good for you! and Happy Belated Birthday and God Bless you for your courage.
hey!! Its so exciting reading your page especially now where you are!and I am now getting lots of thought of wanting to get back to new zealand asap. I love reading about your adventures. Good luck to you:)
those photos you took are really nice. and it neat to learn of what it symbolizes for the Maori. I love learning about the culture in NewZealand. It is also such a beautiful country..I bet theres nowhere else quite like it in the world.
for now I will live vicariously through you. good on ya!thanks so much
Happy Belated Birthday Tia!!
I wanted to tell you on the actual day, but I was distracted by family who came for a visit, I am sorry.
Your bottom touch drawing also looks like the Maori Paoua (spelling?) shells that are often used as eyes in their artwork.
lovely Freud's festival!
Mr B
Your drawings look like eyes to me, Tia. I am happy to see you have a place to live, and so close to places you enjoy.
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