As I had mentioned before, I finally found a place to live. A co-worker of mine is getting ready to move to Gisbourne, NZ, and she will be renting her home. She had assumed I was looking for something to buy right away and hadn't even thought of mentioning her place. She is allowing me to stay with her for now rent free until she leaves on the 28th, and then the house will be ours to rent as long as we need and want it. So finally I have somewhere for the cats, the container, and most importantly, BRUCE to land! I can't wait to welcome him and the kids to our new home! It is a three bedroom house in a nice part of town. I am 3 minutes from a very quiet, small airport (yes, they advertize skydiving), 3 minutes from the redwood forest that has miles and miles of trails, and 10 minutes from the lakes where Bronwyn first took me for a picnic. Also, it's only 3 minutes from The Outdoors Man store - a very large camping/outdoor equipment store! I like the house alright, and I try to do my best not to keep comparing things to "back home". It's hard though.

This evening I went for another nice walk in the Whakarewarewa redwood forest. I found an amazing path among what seem like some of the "elders". There is a very special energy in this place, and I found myself in tears several times from sheer awe. I think if I allowed myself, I could just sit down and really sob by one of these trees, letting it all out - the stress, frustration, exhaustion, and intense longing... I must come back here to meditate and journal some time soon.

it looks absolutely lovely. the house and the trees.
beautiful. i'm so happy you can finally settle down and relax a little.
It's all working out beautifully and you sure deserve it. I'm so happy for you, Tia. Thanks for the pics and for another awesome post.
That's a lovely turn of things. Looks like a nice yard. Countdown til reunion can start yet?
It's no wonder the fern furl is pleasing. It matches the golden ratio doesn't it?
Fabulous darling!
And I see you already have a place to hang your laundry on too. :-)
So glad you have a nice place to stay - I will be sending positive thoughts for Bruce to join you soon.
Nice yard and walking distance to good tramping and the lakes! That worked out well. Your landlord sounds pretty nice too. I hope you will feel more settled having a place to stay.
My dear,
You continue to amaze me. I weep as I feel the depth of your experience through your words. I miss you so much I can hardly stand it. Thank you for the glorious pictures of your home. The fiddleheads (koru) have always been special to me...the Australian Tree Fern mysterious, ancient, and alluring. The elders of the forest have been waiting for you. I know they will speak to you when you need them. The house looks lovely...and big enough for all of us :) Many blessings to you ALWAYS!
You know, aside from the siding, it looks a bit like your home in FL from the front (where the porch is).
What amazed me in NZ was that some of the gigantic trees were not so old. Only like 25 years or something.
I'm glad you have a place to call home.
i have longing to be in new zealand pains.... beautiful! Im glad you are finding peace where you are
Honey. I can't wait to see and touch and taste our new lives there. I can't tell you how much I miss you.
Ok. I'm officially worried. Are you ok?
What a beautiful new home. Blessings to you on the time when all your family will be able to gather there...don't do too much...I am sure your husband wants to put his stamp on things :)
What a great surrounding! Those trees are just waiting to you and Bruce!
Heeeeeeellllllllloooooooooooooooooooo!!!! I miss you.
Now where did that lady get to? She in these trees somewhere?
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