Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Time flies when you're having fun disassembling your life

While on the surface it has looked as if nothing big was going on in our lives, the tides of change are definitely upon us. The waves have been building off shore and are now breaking upon the shoreline of our lives. Each one that hits us from now on is getting us more and more soaked. The water crashes and rushes toward us, and then, in a swift and resolute motion, withdraws again taking away with it a small but noticeable piece of what was.

With each washing away, I sink in a bit more. And I am learning. I keep learning the same lessons in new ways. I am reminded that in the midst of all the seeming chaos and upheaval, something stays fundamentally the same. The waves always keep coming in, one after another, never-ending. The tides will recede once again, only to return yet again and again. With each wave the shoreline changes in ever so subtle ways, always.

I notice progress - a shifting within. I breathe in faith and trust. And with the next breath, I am asked to trust again.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good thoughts. I'm in Pennsylvania. Angel is in TN. Still looking for a purple shirt.


barbie2be said...

good luck with your move.

michele sent me.

Anonymous said...

Holding on to that fundamental sameness is valuable inner wisdom.

Breathe, trust again that it will work. Repeat. :) Sounds like a good plan.

Anonymous said...

Staying focused on what grounds you during these times of change is essential....I like what Pearl said "that fundamental sameness"...it sees us through...thinking of you as a more tangible storm makes its way across Florida...BTW your area is very colorful right now on the weather channel :)

Keeping you in my prayers as you move forward one breath at a time toward your dream.

Bobealia... said...

This is post is quite positive for all the hard feelings and hard experiences you speak of. I feel for you. You must be so stressed... Don't feel bad for not being around, I haven't been around either. One wave at a time.