Saturday, April 11, 2009


I know watching a TV show about someone else getting in shape won't actually get ME in shape but I have recently discovered the show "The Last 10 Pounds Boot camp" and find that it at least makes me question my own food choices and helps me motivate to work out. It is also a good reality check about what "keepin' on keepin' on" with my current diet and minimal exercise routine will get me vs. the results that I want. I sense some hard work and sacrifices ahead of me if I am serious about getting back in great shape.... We did decide to join the local gym (within walking distance) and we're both excited to be going again.

I did catch another cold that swept through at work (and Bruce caught it) but I at least kicked it in a matter of a few days and I don't have the residual cough that usually lingers for weeks on end.

And it is SPRING TIME and the weather is getting just beautiful!! All the more motivation to be outdoors and active.

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