Monday, October 29, 2007

Holy Cow! Coming Up for Air....................

I know I haven't been around much. Sorry. The days at work tend to stretch to 10-12 hours on a daily basis. It has been a hugely challenging start - but mainly because of very specific circumstances that had been created by the person whom I replaced. It is situational and it will pass - but for now it is making my work life a bit of a grueling experience. The good thing is that it has forced me to learn - VERY QUICKLY - how to set very firm boundaries and how to be direct with people, regardless of their position. Those are both skills that I have desperately needed to learn so I can see why I was summoned to Montana and to this job. I never would have dreamt of interacting with my superiors the way I have had to, nor would I have ever normally approached my therapeutic work with clients in quite this way. I'm learning a lot. I wish I wasn't learning quite so much. *sigh*

Anyway.... This weekend we managed to get away for a bit and enjoy the magnificent outdoors on our mountainbikes before it gets WAAAYY too cold to ride! A co-worker of mine and her boyfriend took us out on a nine mile run in the mountains that, frankly, kicked my Florida-butt. Big time.

I am not exaggerating when I say I tasted blood.

The Glacier snowcapped mountain range far in the distance as we biked at an altitude of 6000 ft

It was gorgeous! We hadn't had that much fun since we got to Montana! It was fast, hard and technical! I fell off twice and ran straight off the mountain edge once. Oh, and we ran into a hunter who had his gun pointed at us before he realized we weren't deer. (Not that I was in danger of being shot.... I was so far behind the others that by the time I ran into the guy he was onto bigger and better things....) But I did run into the angry woman hunter who wouldn't move off the trail because apparently she thinks that during hunting season the forests belong to only hunters. I hate to disagree with someone who is holding a gun. But anyway....

The fearless Floridians braving the cold and the altitude. And my coworker who shall remain anonymous.

I am trying to figure out how to fit in more fitness time. I *have to* get in shape!!! My coworkers put me to shame. It is actually quite intimidating. Some of my coworkers ride their bikes to work all winter long. Another one runs to work. All 8 miles. Another one recently went backpacking while she was 8 1/2 months pregnant. I have no excuses...


kenju said...

Do you have to keep up with those "Jones?" If you are working 10 hrs. each day - how could you (or they) possible have time for fitness?

(Good photos, BTW!)

Anonymous said...

Perfect honey!