Monday, June 18, 2007

A Tender Boy Moment

In the midst of all the chaos, there is time for bonding and reassurance that all is OK....

Our "boy boy", the one who used to abhor affection, has taken to being quite content sitting this way for long periods of time.


Anonymous said...

Every time a move was in play our pets would always sense it and those that were much like 'cats'...independent and not much for affection...would suddenly become velcro pets ;)...your 'boy,boy' is beautiful...funny thing...that is what I have called Marbles since we brought him home 8 years ago from the rescue home...'my boy, boy'...funny.

Anonymous said...

heh, what a cute way to sit.

Our silent girl has taken to singing. Every individual shifts over a lifetime.

kenju said...

He's beautiful - and he looks just like my two black girls, down to the tiny patch of white on the chest!

Anonymous said...

Your kitty looks just like my black kitty! Even though some say "all black cats look alike," they really have distinct expressions and demeanors, don't they?

Glad yours is wanting some lovin' lately ;-)

Bobealia... said...

Um, he doesn't look quite "tender" yet.