http://psiarcade.com/crystal2/intro.html - the link refuses to work - has a study where you can assist Dean Radin, Ph.D., in a triple-blind version of his initial study looking at the effects of distant intention on water crystals. He has posted 50 pictures of frozen water drops that you can assess based on their beauty and level of interest. It should take you no more than 10-15 minutes. The results should appear in the Explore (explorejournal.com) in Sept., 2006. (I just got the e-mail about participating in the study today, so I am assuming there is still time to do so.)
If you are familiar with the movie What the Bleep Do We Know - or were awake at all during biology - then you remember the part about the human body consisting mostly of water. Dr. Emoto's scientific findings support the idea that the energy and vibrations around us have a direct effect on us on a cellular level. The quality of the foods we digest, the music we listen to, the "entertainment" we watch on TV, how we speak to ourselves, all of it! effects us energetically. And we, in turn, help create the "vibes" at our home, at work, and in the world at large..... In his book, Anger, the Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh speaks of digesting the meat of an animal that has suffered and has been under tremendous stress prior to being slaughtered, and how that suffering effects us, the consumers. He says, "We must eat happy eggs from happy chickens." Just reading that makes me smile.
Interesting things to think about... What is the intention you want to set for yourself, and for the world around you, today?
I intend on attempting to remain unstressed on what could be a fairly stressful day by playing with Sage and as a result, perhaps transferring my stress to him via this method. :-)
Great plan! ;-)
It was just a day ago when I told-explained again to my son why we stopped buying meat from industrial livestock companies, where animals are kept in cages, live an unhappy life, etc. etc. The idea of individual happines/freedom/wellness transferred to another individual by metabolism does sound funny at first.
But why not support organic, or small scale farms? Those things also do good to Earth, you know *winks*
You are absolutely right, Szélsö. =)
Szélsö Fa - that is. =)
lovely. i enjoyed that! thanks :)
Then a Big Mac must be souless. California vitners recently discovered that natural compost produces a glorious wine...who would have thought? : )
I love your countdown....tick, tick, tick.
Michele sent me, Tia.
Wow! Only 10 days until you move to New Zealand. That's so frickin' far away from Florida. I guess you'd best not leave anything behind, huh?
I don't worry too much about the mood of the animals I eat. I figure they can't be too happy--I know I wouldn't be if someone was killing me so they could gnaw on my bones. It's an interesting thought though. And I suspect the meat in New Zealand is a lot happier. Those are some amazingly beautiful pastures that those sheep live on. A lot nicer than living in some sheep-farm here.
I did the trial, but I was disappointed that none of them looked like the crystal you had on the blog.
My intention today is to stay quiet enough not to hurt my back more than it already is.
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