But I AM freaked out.
Most of the time I feel like putting my paw on my eyes too when thinking about attempting to start thinking about packing. I have started a list, er, many lists. So Bruce just got over his list-making neurosis, and now, at any given time, I have ten of them scattered about the house. I have my must-absolutely-have-or-the-world-will-come-to-an-end list of carry-ons. Which, let's face it, is a joke in and of itself right now. I try to keep track of what is currently allowed on the plane, I really do. I think I am clear on the fact that water is out but gel-filled bras are in. And, according to the TSA, FAA and USPA taking my parachute as a carry-on is still OK as well. But no toothpaste or - gasp - vacuum-packed string cheese! I suppose the likelihood of the cheese exploding on the plane is in fact greater than my prying open the emergency door at 38,000 feet in order to jump out with the cheese. Well, anyhow, back to the lists. So, currently my must-be-carried-on list consists of enough items to fill two large suitcases. I need to work on that a bit.
I also have the must-come-with-but-can-be-packed-into-checked-luggage, which could also be called the SO-not-within-the-allowed-weight-limits-and-you'll-be-paying-through-your-nose list. I think I may need to consider UPS. Which, given the fact that the address for my place of employment actually includes a line that says "Cnr Whakaue and Hinemaru Sts" makes me a little nervous. "Ay mate, just drop that packet off where that one-eyed dog usually sits!" Corner of Whakaue and Hinemaru Streets?!? That's the address!?! I will love this country! (Side note: they also JUST got zip codes in NZ! That is AWESOME!)
OK, then there is the Bruce-can-ship-if-I-need-him-to list.... Which, in essence could be EVERY THING and by the end of it all, we may not need a 20'x20' shipping container after all. We can just inconspicuously sneak by customs with all of our worldly possessions one tiny UPS packet at a time! Oh, and then the can-live-without-for-an-unspecified-length-of-time list. There is nothing on it. I always thought that the "what would you take onto a deserted island" question was so cool. Now I hyperventilate slightly. And NZ isn't exactly deserted. Even if the Aussies tell the Kiwis to "tell the last one out to turn the lights off"! Ha ha! (Read that on the "islandinthepacific" blog - thanks D! I cracked up when I saw it!)
And then there are the TO-DO lists....... Shopping (for a gel bra - Hey, at least some parts of me should get to travel in comfort and style!), renew driver's license, banking, power-of-attorney's, medical records, return borrowed books, make sure CATS GET SHIPPED OFF!!!, find out

I am not kidding.
A NICE, foreign made sports car.
So the cats try to be good sports and show us that they are brave enough and ready for this trip. We have the sky kennels out so we can all acclimate to them. Only some of us are not catching on....
Alright. Crossing off "update blog" on my list. Now, where the heck is that liquor?...
Good luck! I would be going crazy myself!!! and I didn't have any cats when we moved over the Atlantic Ocean! here via Michele's
Wow -- it's one thing to move across town -- moving to another continent???? No wonder! Good luck!
Here from Michele's!
Hi here from Michele's not sure where you are going but good luck!
my new post is done, thanks for the support. This sounds interesting--I wish I was in Florida so I could crash the liquor consuption party.
Im IN love with New Zealand. What a beautifu place. Im jealous:) I have family there.
Have a great time & good luck!
Poor cats don't know what's coming up for them. How long is the quarantine time in NZ? Also..I read in USA Today today..KY Jelly is acceptable on a carry on. I'm not sure if the writer was being a smarty pants but let me know how that goes. :-)
I know you are freaking out, but I laughed (like real guffaws) at least three times. My husband and I travel a lot, move countries in fact, and often with six huge duffles and two carry ons each containing all of our worldy possesions. Sometimes costing us more than two hundred dollars in extra fees. Just pay the extra to have some come with you on the plane. The mail to NZ takes FOREVER, if it ever comes.
Goodluck and many hugs.
Moving to New Zealand?? Thats a heck of a ways to go. Business or Pleasure?
I cannot imagine what you are going through. I think I would have to rely on UPS or pay someone to make all the decisions for me - because my brain would shut down...LOL. I am having trouble deciding what to take on a 10 day vacation - let alone moving to another continent!!
ugh you are doing fine. oh its horrible i know. but you are so much nicer than me.. spending the equivalent of a sports car on the cats?? hell my poor kitties would get shuffled off to new homes quicker than you can say "does that come in british racing green?"
i love the new adres. in cornwall years ago an ex boyfriend who was travelling around oz actually sent me a postcard adressed to keda, constantine, the bungalow near the school. :)
as for the carry on luggage.. ouchy. horrible. poor skin and lips. thank goodness your boobs will be snuggly though.
murf...ky jelly?? good to know their priorities are in order :) hahaa
quarantine for the uk is 6 months. btw. which is one reason i'd never be able to do that for the poor buggers (in my defence).
what is it there?
How exciting but I would be a wreck as you say!
New Zealand is supposed to be very beautiful.....and I couldn't leave my babies either, sportscar cost or not.
Oh Tia, it's going to be SO great! Did you know that I went to a kiwi restaurant for my birthday and that all my best friends in London are kiwi's? I'm so excited for you! Now come and see me!
Thanks guys.... for the well wishes and offers to come drink my liquor. You are true friends!
Chacha - it's pure pleasure! =)))) Even though I will be working, I am more focused on the "adventure capitol of the world" part!
Fortunately for our babies, they're stuck in kitty prison for 30 days only. (Which sounds less than saying "1 month".)
Glad to see you are approaching this with your sense of humor still intact!!! They may label it differently on the 13th floor of the hospital deep in the woods...but I call it humor :)....maybe if you looked at this move not like an American moving/living in New Zealand but more like moving home...you would take less? Don't take this life you have here, over there...create your new life over there :)...but don't forget those cats...pets lessen our stress levels by leaps and bounds..once they are out of quarantine that is.
Here from Michele...I would be frealing out if I was getting ready toi move halfway round the world! Much good luck to you!
I hear ya.
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