Wednesday, September 06, 2006

'nough said


Anonymous said...

I love the quote... I recently wrote a post about how God woos us... you can find it on my blog, top right link, under "Dedication."

Enjoyed your blog and will come back to visit. I live in HK and love NZ!

sage said...

you're right, 'nough said!

Anonymous said...

I love that quote honey! Seems to keep me grounded whenever I read it.

Anonymous said...

Funny you posted this...on Thursdays I always write about listening to God...I'm late posting it this morning but stay tuned :)Thanks for visiting my WW...I took this photo when we lived in Arizona..the house is actually in Bisbee, Arizona. I always imagined that as my "ideal" home. Another thing we have in common...great taste in homes :)I pray yours is getting closer to being sold, however it is definitely a buyers market here.

SzélsőFa said...

Is this quote supposed to answer the question you posed on the comments section of the last entry? I like it.