Wednesday, September 20, 2006

It's NOT just bottled water!!!

It really does exist!! I have a 3.5 hour lay-over in Fiji, and since I can't seem to get in touch with Bruce over the phone I had to buy some internet time... and it should follow that I check my blog while trying to burn up the 50 minutes of access I had to buy...

So, you heard it from me folks! Fiji does in fact exist, and while they won't let me out to inspect the "bitches", I *can* say that the mountains are GORGEOUS!

More later!



kenju said...

Aaaah, Fiji, a dream destination! Too bad you can't get out to see, taste, touch and feel it!

Bobealia... said...

THANKS!!! I will think of you as I sip my water today. I hope you are fabulous.

Anonymous said...

I have been checking in every day...I wish you well as you embark on this new adventure....keep us posted :)

Anonymous said...

So good to hear your voice honey.

SzélsőFa said...

wow! It's good to hear that you are there!

Jessica said...


Stephen Newton said...

Tia, Happy landings. So good to hear from you (even if you couldn't explore Fiji) The next time I buy a bottle of Fiji water (not sure I can get it here in the mountains) I will think of you sitting in the airport using up your excess minutes keeping us up to date.

Looking forward to the first blog from NZ!

Lots of love to you!