Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Heard in the kitchen this morning....

My husband to the feline pawing at the floor while drinking water: "You are so weird."

My husband, speaking for the pawing creature based on the inquisitive look he gets from the same creature: "Look who's talking... You're the one wearing other animals' skin on your back."


Later, I am making my morning coffee and tell my husband (who loves me even when I am being less than sane): "Whatever you do, when you are packing up the kitchen [for our move], pleeeeeease make sure you bring along the metric measuring spoons."

(It is a matter of life and death, you see.)

My loving husband: "OK, honey. Good thought."....(pauses to think)...."..Don't you think they have measuring spoons there also, though?"

Good point. Maybe I can let go.

I am so grateful to wake up to another lovely morning - especially because it was via the mini-snuggle when the same loving husband crawled back into bed to make sure I was awake.

Sometime very soon I will share with you some pictures and memories from the women's circle my very dearest soul sisters put together in my honor on Sunday. It was amazing - and I don't have the time right now to do it any justice. Off to see a real estate attorney....


Jennie said...

Hi Tia, Just looking at your countdown and anticipating your first post from NZ!

Murf said...

Oh no..the metric system. I cringe at just writing that.

Anonymous said...

I agree, cats are weird. So are people. We're competed for the title for millennia.

Anonymous said...

You're beautiful...

... your loving husband.

Anonymous said...

I love the hubby talking to the feline part...lol. Hope you aren't getting too anxious!

kenju said...

Good luck with that, Tia.