Tuesday, December 05, 2006


17 days and counting!!!! I will be back with my honey.

What happens from there, I don't know.

And right now I don't care.

I will take it as it comes.

And it will be fine.

(And I will have internet again!!! YAY!!!!)


keda said...


lovely news.

Anonymous said...

That's a goof turn of events. Glad to hear of the imminent reunion.

Jessica said...

It's a shame you don't have the internet access you used to, because this really calls for the Countdown Clock to be set up again!!

I'm very glad for you both!! :)

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you!!!! We were discussing gut instinct yesterday in class and one of my students said that she felt certain that her decision to go to a particular school was the right one, as it turned out, she was not happy there, she had no regrets about the decision she made, but she in turn, made another decision to change schools...each decision we make a particular moments in our lives are just stepping stones to the next one...keep on steppin' lively, it is what life is all about!!!

SzélsőFa said...

Wow, that's a surprise. Is it for Christmas or for longer? How's your staying in NZ for a long time?

Stephen Newton said...

So glad your ordeal is over, Tia. Hugs for your trip home.

Catherine said...

Have a very happy Christmas together..

Anonymous said...

Counting hours, minutes and breaths honey!

longspider said...

So happy for you!

Take care - of you, and of each other.

kenju said...

Hooray for Tia!

Bobealia... said...

Where the hell are you guys???